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"Mr. Henry Vickers and Mrs. Lucy Hunt, both of the county, were married at Hood’s Hotel on the evening of the 8th inst. by Dr. Crane, who performed the interesting ceremony in his usual impressive manner. In the evening, dancing and an elegant supper were the order of exercises…"

"Independence Locals"
column in The Daily
Banner (Brenham),
November 17, 1876



Texas Highways - “Finding Independence,” March 2006, pgs 14-21, by Howard Peacock  PDF

Baylor Line - Magazine of the Baylor Alumni Association.
Volume 68, Spring 2006, pgs 56-63, by Robert Darden.



Independence Historical Society
Regular meetings: Second Friday of September through November and January
through April, at 7 pm.  
Programs are historical in nature and public is welcome.
Selected March and April weekends: Free tours of Early Texas Homes and Mound Hill
Schoolhouse in Old Baylor Park.
Call 979-251-9227 for information regarding Society meetings and events.

Independence Baptist Church
Annual Elder Statesman Day, first weekend in June.

Liberty Baptist Church
Annual Homecoming, fourth Sunday in August.

Antique Rose Emporium
Annual Fall Festival of Roses, first weekend of November.
See AntiqueRoseEmporium.com for complete listing of programs scheduled throughout the year.


Masthead photo: Ellen Beasley.

Independence Preservation Trust
Twenty Briar Hollow Lane
Houston, Texas 77027-2893
All rights reserved.  Terms of Use.

Website design by Jerry Olson Design